Our Building Team


Ben Hazelwood
Partner & Builder


Ben is Hawkes Bay born and bred, and lives in Te Awanga with his wife and two children. Still no dog, nor a picket fence, but they can’t be far away.

As a licensed builder and part owner of Renovation Hawke’s Bay, Ben remains passionate about bringing life back to old and tired houses, renovating and restoring homes across the Bay. His role as a partner includes building and project management, and like Jeremy, he prides himself on Renovation Hawkes Bay delivering the highest standard of finish possible, across all our projects.


Jeremy Evans
Partner & Builder


Jeremy lives with his young family in the beautiful Tuki Tuki area of Hawkes Bay.

Jeremy has had a successful 20 year long career in the building industry. As a licensed builder he still loves creating new, functional and enjoyable spaces for people, improving their homes and their quality of life.

As a partner in Renovation Hawkes Bay he oversees both construction and project management. Jeremy is a lifelong surfer, so when not working he is usually found pretty close to where the best local surf is at the time.